Parent Forum on Healthy Eating

Our local ACT hosted a parent forum
in the Imperial Hotel last Thursday 1st Feb. We had a huge turn out and I was particularly delighted to see so many parents from ours & the boys’ school there so thank you all for taking the time to attend.
Our topic was Healthy Eating. There was a presentation from Emma Beague from Glenville Nutrition, especially shocking was the amount of hidden sugar in our foods.
Alan McCabe then spoke, he & some of his students had prepared samples of healthy, budget friendly, easy food ideas for our parents to make for their families.
The parents moved around to sample the food & chat with the DKIT students.
There were stalls from the library, Healthy Ireland,Glenville, Super Smoothies to name a few.
Finally, we returned to our seats, had some coffee & pastries & a chance to ask the experts some questions hosted by Niall & Sandra.
We also launched a new website to make local information and supports more accessible to families in our area. Please take a look at the new Louth Parent Hub.
ACT -Area Coordination Team is made up of our Primary school HSCLs, SCP, Louth ABC Programme, Louth Local development, local Montessoris and youth groups, Dundalk Library & PPFS. I hope I didn’t forget anyone. Thanks again, Máire
Castletown Girls' School, Castletown Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth | P: 042-9334574 | E: