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Presentation on Poland by Ms. Heaphey's 4th Class!

31st Jan 2025
Fourth class learned all about Poland this month. Zofia taught the other girls all about Poland. At Assembly, the girls presented their learning about Poland. The girls provided us with many facts about Poland. They told us that the capital of Poland is Warsaw. They also informed us that Polish is the language of Poland.The girls explained where Poland is on the map and went through the famous landmarks. The girls talked about popular sports such as football. They also informed us that the white tailed eagle is the spirit animal of Poland. The girls talked about the warm summers and cold snowy winter weather in Poland. They shared the names of famous Polish people and famous foods also. They also mentioned the traditional clothing worn in Poland and their celebrations. The girls ended their presentation with a Polish poem. We were so impressed with the girls speaking Polish!! Take a look at the wonderful posters below for all the information on Poland. Well done girls. We really enjoyed your presentation!