School Council

Our dedicated and enthusiastic Student Council!

Today was the launch of Anti-bullying week, starting with the raising of the Cineáltas flag. It was sent by the Minister of Education to recognise the kindness of the children in our school. Over the next week, the student council have planned lots of fun activities to promote anti-bullying and recognise and celebrate everyone's individuality. Check next week for updates!

Our student Council are busy helping Ms Murphy our new principal to gather opinions from all our students on our new assembly format. We have come up with some great ideas including a separate junior and senior assembly, having monthly awards to celebrate values, having some performance and show and tell to highlight our work and learning every month.
We are also currently planning and gathering ideas for Cultural Week which we will run from 26th of February until 1st March this year. We will keep you posted on the plans and activities we choose in the coming weeks.
Castletown Girls' School, Castletown Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth | P: 042-9334574 | E: