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Castletown GNS, Dundalk, Co. Louth

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

21st Dec 2022
20th Dec 2022
All classes took part in our annual Santa Dash as part of our Active School programme...
19th Dec 2022
Well done to all the winners in our Christmas Art Competition. The standard was very...
9th Dec 2022
We were very lucky in 6th class this week as we got to paint Christmas pictures on...
1st Dec 2022
All parents welcome!!! Come along to The Imperial Hotel on Thursday morning. Meet...
24th Nov 2022
Today First, Second and Third class went to see ‘Living with a Fairy’...
24th Nov 2022
We have been learning all about Ancient Greece this month. Today we were inspired...
22nd Nov 2022
Over the last few weeks we have taken part in a series of webinars about sketchnotes....
28th Oct 2022
Today all of the girls got to dress up for Halloween and have a school disco in the...
21st Oct 2022
Ms McNally treated the 6th class girls today. She brought in a plant and each of...